Tyler White:
My name is Tyler White RealAtom’s head of sales. RealAtom is the industry’s number one lending as a service technology platform and is powering commercial real estate lenders like banks, credit unions, and non-banking organizations to generate more CRE loans. Today I have the pleasure of introducing John Chung from Hanmi Bank. John, thank you for taking the time to present to us today. I’m going to pass it over to you to kick things off.
John Chung:
Thanks, Tyler. I appreciate you having me here. I’m just going to share a little presentation I did on Hanmi Bank. It’s going to be short and sweet. So Hanmi Bank basically we’ve been around for, since 1982, we’re about 6.2 billion in assets. We have 35 branches all the way from Washington, the Westside all the way to New Jersey on the East coast. We have nine loan production offices and we’re a well-capitalized bank.
I think if you’re looking for the cheapest rate out there in a very transactional deal, that’s probably not us. We’re a relationship bank.
By John Chung from Hanmi Bank
And typically, what I do in my group, I focus on transactions so a million dollars on up. Some states that we’re in California, Washington, Colorado, Texas, Illinois, Georgia, Virginia, and New York, and New Jersey. Primarily what I’m concentrating on our commercial real estate loans, owner, user, and investor in nature. We also offer a lot of other products like lines of credit secured by income-producing properties, SBA seven loans, we’ve got a big seven-eight group, an SBA five Oh four loans, and equipment financing. We have an equipment finance group here. There are term loans, asset baselines of credit revolving lines of credit, and trade financing.
So I just included a little flyer on here. It kind of talks a little bit about what I was just speaking on. You know, typically we like to stay in the States, obviously that we have a presence even more so geographically where the asset resides. We like to be relatively close to it either with our production offices or our branches. You know, we have a plethora of products. We consider ourselves to be, you know, a community bank. However, we have all the bells and whistles on the cash management side of things. We focus on speed and execution and creativity and structure. I think if you’re looking for the cheapest rate out there in a very transactional deal, that’s probably not us. We’re a relationship bank. Like a lot of banks say they are, but we really are in, in-process and what we do like to just kind of give you my contact information here. I’d love to look at deals and hopefully, I can contact you shortly and do some financing for you. Okay,
Tyler White:
Perfect. Well, a special thanks to John and Hanmi Bank for taking the time to present to us today. If interested in speaking with John, feel free to contact him directly using the contact information on this slide. If you’d like to talk to me in between episodes, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email, my email address is Tyler@realatom.com. If you’re interested in learning more about the RealAtom or the lender podcast series, please visit our website realatom.com and we’ll see everybody on the next episode.