Each decade boasts its own host of innovations. One thing remains constant despite technological advances – the need for human connection. No matter how 1) efficient 2) optimized, or 3) automated technology is, it will never replace the Human Factor. That is where a lot of innovations miss the mark. They over-automate or over-solve a workflow that really only needs some enhancement. RealAtom was built with this in mind.
Our team identified and removed speed bumps, bottlenecks, and points of friction in the commercial real estate loan process. It’s never been easier for commercial lenders to work with their clients. We complement what you’re already doing, we don’t completely upend it.
“Is it just for lenders?”
No, we’re a two-sided platform, which is part of the beauty of the RealAtom ecosystem. When we say we can widen your reach and help facilitate your deal flow, we mean it, because it’s for both brokers/borrowers and lenders. We’ve broken down a few ways we help each side build and sustain relationships (and, consequently, deal flows) below:
RealAtom for Commercial Lenders
- With RealAtom, you as a lender will never have to record lengthy loan application data in your internal systems. Spend less than 30 seconds to record a lead, and your clients will do the rest. In this way, as a commercial lender, you can have all your deals logged, not just the ones you close.
- Commercial lenders can also use our in-platform tools to streamline data exchange. The Chat tool, for instance, can be used to go back and forth in real-time with your clients with any questions or requests that you might have during a life cycle of the loan. It’s a fast way to send/receive documents and communicate even while you’re accomplishing other tasks. You can open a direct chat on the loan page, share it with a team member, or request documents easily (unless you have already requested all the docs in the Deal Room – ask us about it).
- Bring your client list onto the platform for a seamless experience. If you’re a commercial lender, you’re juggling a lot at once. By bringing your clients into the platform, you’re truly unlocking the two-way avenue for better communication and better relationships. It’s easy and we will help your clients learn the platform. This way, both sides are under the same umbrella and nothing is getting lost in the cracks.
Brokers/Borrowers using the platform
- Your loan package is in one place. The loan package consists of many variables. With RealAtom’s two-sided platform, borrowers/brokers will have all those variables in one place with a status update on what needs to be done next. If you enjoy searching for your loan checklist or spending time hunting for the last document you sent in your inbox, RealAtom is not for you. But if you want to focus on the important part of the loan process, RealAtom will come in handy making your commercial loan application efficient.
- As on the lender side, there are many tools on our platform to help you nurture your relationships with lenders. Some examples would be the Chat feature, Notes, Tags, and the Negotiation button so you can go back and forth with lenders while they are sizing your loan.
- The option to have all your lender contacts in your private directory on RealAtom enables your lenders to update their lending criteria directly in your database. Remember, it is a two-sided platform. Whenever lenders update their lending criteria on their side of the portal, it automatically updates on your side. This way, you are always on the same page as your lenders.
RealAtom isn’t just a platform, it’s an ecosystem, but at the center of it is our acknowledgment that the Human Factor is key. We don’t replace it, but we can help commercial lenders and their clients, brokers or borrowers build relationships and sustain them long-term. And by using the platform you will find you can close more, faster, because of the friction RealAtom helps smooth out.